Quantitative research

Quantitative research allows for the extrapolation of results on the whole population and such studies often are designed using results from qualitative research which helped to define relevant variables, or in situations where the variables are clearly defined. At research design stage the needs of statistical methods are automatically considered (e.g. random sample selection). Research is done with standardized tools (questionnaires), and large sample are used. The results are fully objective and provide answers to specific questions. The findings and recommendations based thereof help in planning business strategies and the taking of concrete marketing decisions.


Quantitative research techniques:

PAPI (Paper And Pen Personal Interview) – the classical research technique as evidenced by its name – „paper and pen”. An interviewer, after being trained by the Fieldwork and/or Research Department is given paper copies of the questionnaire and carries out interviews wit respondents in the field. The interviewer’s task is to carry out a specific number of interviewers with people with certain characteristics (the „Sample”).


CLT (Central Location Test) – this is a form of consumer research allowing for easy and rapid testing of flavors, scents, ads etc. The ALMARES Institute has its own studio for CLT hence can offer lower prices for fieldwork than the competition. The studio is equipped with web connected laptops, thus allowing for the carrying out of tests using the Client’s IT platform (answers from the questionnaire are saved directly to the Client’s server).


CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) – computer assisted interviews use specially developed software. An enormous benefit of this technique is that all answers are immediately saved to the hard drive enabling easy export by encrypted connection. An interviewer trained by the Fieldwork and/or Research Department may present all sorts of multimedia materials to the respondent (naturally if required by the study).


CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) – computer assisted telephone interviews enable research on large target or national samples. Specialized software enables rapid export of data cutting down the time needed to prepare reports. An interviewer trained by the Fieldwork and/or Research Department carries out interviews with respondents strictly following a prepared scenario. All interviewers are subject to control by qualified Supervisors.  Another advantage f this interviewing technique is the anonymity experienced by the interviewed which makes them feel safe, thus enabling greater openness and honesty in answers.


CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviews) – interviews effected over the internet. Their enormous strength is the possibility of fielding studies on very large samples (often highly specific), quickly and at relatively low cost. The respondent feels anonymous which enhances readiness to answer certain questions (e.g. salary). Specialized software makes for speedy data output and thus cuts down on report delivery time.

Additionally the ALMARES Institute carries out CAWI CLT studies on its own premises, using web connected laptops. With such studies it is possible for the questionnaires to be completed on a platform provided by the Client, with the data saved directly to the Client’s servers.

Szanowni Państwo, zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu tego typu danych, prosimy o zapoznanie sie z naszą Polityką Prywatności oraz jej akceptacje w celu dalszej możliwości korzystania z naszej witryny.